°F °C Overcast
  • High 64°F
  • Humidity 78%
  • Low 46°F
  • No wind <12km/h
No wind<12km/h
No wind<12km/h


  • Carwash It is not appropriate
    Not appropriate for washing car. It is possible to be rainy in the next 24 hours. If you wash your car during this period, your car may be spotted again by rain water and mudded water.
  • Travel Suitable
    Suitable temperature, light rain and breeze will make your travel unexpected and unforgettable. It’s suitable for travel. Don’t miss the chance!
  • Dreesing Cold
    It’s advised that you can wear clothes such as thick coats and sweaters. The elder and the weak are advised to wear coats, tweed jacket and with sweaters.
  • Comfort Comfort
    Not too hot or too cold during the day, little wind, you believe in such weather conditions, should feel relatively cleaner and comfort.
  • Air Pollution Diffusion Good
    The weather is suitable for dilution, diffusion and removal of air pollutants. You can go out for normal outdoor activities.
  • UV Weakest
    Ultraviolet radiation is a weak weather without special protection. If long-term outdoors, the proposed smear SPF sunscreen in the 8-14 between skin care products.
  • SPF Weak
    Ultraviolet radiation is a weak weather, the outdoor long-term, the proposed SPF sunscreen in the 8-12 between skin care products.
  • Umbrella Umbrellas
    A light rain, if you like rain stroll and enjoy the warmth and nature to be happy, to go out in a short time away umbrellas, but it is good to bring an umbrella.

Weather Conditions 27 Mar 2017